Match result (tennis) Marek Fras 6:2 2:6 10:5 Jerzy Maternik (2019-03-09)

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Marek Fras
  • 6:2 2:6 10:5
Jerzy Maternik

The official end result of the match

Marek Fras : Jerzy Maternik

  • 6:2 2:6 10:5
set 1
set 2
set 3
set 4
set 5
Complete statistics for this match are available after login.
Club where the match was played 
Kortowo Tennis Club
The match has been completed 2019-03-09 13:00-15:00 and lasted 02:00
Match played in the system to 2 won sets
The match belongs to the competition Turniej Lexus Tecnifibre Kortowo Cup singiel mężczyzn 2018/19 XII edycja 6.turniej
dated 2019-03-09 13:00 SINGLE MĘŻCZYŹNI OPEN
The match is part of the competition in the tournament Tournament : Turniej Lexus Tecnifibre Kortowo Cup singiel mężczyzn 2018/19 XII edycja 6.turniej
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